"It's the end of the world as we know it..."

Continued to Bergen and boarded Norröna for Iceland. We are now outside of GSM coverage and left the civilized world for a while. Our reporting plan is to sync the blog during our short visit to Faeroen Islands on wednesday.

After a good nights sleep in an excellent cabin at Geilo we started towards Bergen. The scenery was so bad it forced the navigator of Subaru to tear up the road map and curse loudly on video tape... Anyways, despite of being in a hurry (the ferry to Iceland goes once a week) we had to stop a couple of times to rest our eyes. We hope to spend more time on this leg on our way back.

Our tight schedule didn't allow us to look around Bergen at all. There was just enough time to sort up the mess with our ferry tickets before driving in Norröna. However, sailing out Bergen looked Very Nice!

Vode appreciated anything that resembled Ann-Bente even remotely... ; )

Btw, we are also carrying some cargo -- Hannele is expecting us to deliver her scuba tanks to Shetland tonight. It remains to be seen who is going to wake up and see that the tank get there. Or stay up.

It is almost two days worth of sailing to Iceland. In the mean time we try to spend our time in Norröna as comfortable as possible. We lack good music and especially the means to play the music loud (fortunately). Ville feels to be the minority as his only digital device is GPS receiver where the rest of us have our laptops, several cameras, cam-phones, PDSs, etc.

PS. iBlog, therefore iAm.

Posted: Ke - Heinäkuu 14, 2004 at 12:34 AM        
