Crossing the Jummi-Jammi Sjö

The ferry to Iceland leaves on tuesday afternoon so we have to travel through Jummi-Jammi Sjö (Sweden) and Norway very quickly. Today we managed to drive 750Km to Geila.

The long exposure of jummi-jammi sjö had some unpleasant side effects to our crew and one of us (let he be anonymous) actually announced publicly his urge to buy a house from western Sweden! We are considering altering our return course to take us through nothern Norway and Finland so to minimize additional exposure to the dangers of JJ-Sjö.

After a full day of driving we finally decided that it was time to find a place to rest (and have few beers, of course!). We used the scientific method of taking up the first place along the road and a house came up with a sign of "vacancy", so we pulled over. After a brief discussion with a nice, elderly lady (in Norsk, auf deutch and English) we decided to check out the place she offered 1 km up the road. It turned to to be a very nice skiing cabin 900m above the sea level at an affordable price! So here we are, grilling some meat and ..

Three quarters of the team relaxing after JJ-Sjö - Norway rally

Posted: Ma - Heinäkuu 12, 2004 at 10:27 PM        
