After dive!

On saturday we did some light trekking and one dive near Olafsfjordur. After diving we had some AD with our host and some local divers. I can still remember the horrible taste and smell of rotten shark! Special thanks to Sigurdur who offered us lodging at his house for three days - the icelanders are a bunch of nice people!

Our dive boat took other people to Strytan on Saturday morning so we had late wakeup and some light trekking near Olafsfjordur. Olafsfrordur is in a small fjord facing the atlantic ocean.

In the afternoon we dived 45 minutes inside a kelp forest chasing some fish with our cameras. When the dive was over and we were back in the house the After Dive started.

During the evening we tasted the legendary rotten shark and later some people even played "taxi möö" with shark! My recommendation is to stay away from the shark - it is easily the worst thing I have ever tasted. I could smell the shark the whole next day even after washing my hands several times..

Next afternoon we moved to our next camping site at Myvattn (the name means midge lake or something) which is close to some of the craziest nature formations in Iceland.

Posted: Su - Heinäkuu 25, 2004 at 10:10 PM        
